It was an excursion organised by Inwent, our so called caretaker here in Germany. The place where we went to is called Feldberg, the highest point in Schwarzwald (Black Forest in Germany). It is a paradise for those who haven't seen any snow before like me n those who loves skiing. It's also one of the famous tourist attractions here in Germany.
First impression of 雪 = Beautiful!! The snow here r rily rily white! Most of them r soft n fluffy, a perfect weapon for snowball fights! The temperature here is not that cold, roughly around 3 degrees.
The first thing i did after seeing snow for the 1st time. Haha! Really cold inside!
That's me in the picture sliding down from the slope with the help of a plastic bag. The feeling of sliding down from a high spot is rily undescribable. It was so so fun that everyone tried so many times with different styles n positions each time! We have tried sliding down 8 person in a line together, tried sliding down facing backwards, n flat on our chests etc... Fantastic feeling! There were many young german kids there sliding down with us as well. Some of them thought that we were "jakun"... haha... As if never slide b4... Below is a video of the whole process from my point of view.. enjoy..
Fun rite? i was sliding down with my fren, ah Pau that time. Actually the speed of sliding down shud b a lot faster than what is being shown on video, it's just dat someone is too f**, haha...
Like a slide, after sliding down, we have to climb up the hill again to enjoy that great feeling once more.
While waiting for my turn to slide down, i managed to talk to some germans who were spending their holidays there. One german family had a rily cute son(in pic). They were there for the first time as well. Their son is rily kawaii! He lent me dat red slide-board(i duno wat dat thing is called, the germans dun have any idea as well!). With the board one can slide down faster compared to a plastic bag. Besides sliding, my frens managed to think of something else to do - bury me alive under snow!
That's me buried under snow... those people beside me rily cruel... After burying me then laugh so happily.. zzz... Anyway, the feeling of being buried under snow is not that bad also. It's not rily dat cold as i was wearing my jacket that time. Haha! killing me is not dat easy!
Below are some interesting pictures from Feldberg. Enjoy...
This little guy managed to construct a snowman. It's not easy by the way...
Young children playing with snow...
My Nike-shoe. Wait, that's not the main point. This shoe of mine was originally very dirty after playing football with it. I wore it to Feldberg n surprise!!! It became so clean like brand new shoes. Haha. When ur shoes r dirty n u r 2 lazy to wash it, wear it to places with snow! =)
雪, made my day
雪, really is beautiful... :b
walao 3C already got snow ahh...last time m temp here -1C aso tak ade salji...:(
The snow was accumulated days b4 i went there. The day which i went there was relatively hot(3 deg). Usually it would be -ve there...
wow..i can c tat ur really enjoying urself there..haha..gud to go there for a first time experience..the video taken was kinda funny with ppl screaming..r y the one screaming?..haha..i oso want to go n touch the white n fluffy snow..i bet it's a nice feeling to touch it..anyway..continue to enjoy urself there..n take care!
hey hey! according to laws of gravity, P=MGH, more weight shud make it faster... and i m not really tat... fine!! forget it. how could u say we r cruel, burying you alive is your own idea! u also enjoyed to been buried!!
finally polar bear got into the snow.... haha
nice blog as well ;)
Thanks everyone 4 visiting my blog n 4 ur encouragement n praises... Will try to further improve my blog if can.. =)
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