My coursemates. Together we r triple D's! Daniel, David and David!
One of the beer tents here at the Fest.
Ever wonder how much beer do the germans consume during such an occasion? Well, see below:
This is a beer coupon which entitle the user to get a mug of beer (1 Mass Bier). One mug cost abt 8 euros after adding tips(RM 40). Oh btw, students can get 2 mugs of beer 4 the price of one.
This is the mug. 1 LITRE!! Btw, most germans will tend to drink more than 2 mugs.
While drinking, they will dance and sing along with the live band. They even have their own version of "Yamseng"!
Such a celebration is also a good time to make new frens, no matter u r a german or not. Above is the pic of ppl whom i got to know there. Too bad the gal is his gf. :b
Wan2 have a ride on this thing la!! It's the largest mobile ferris wheel in the world! Too bad no one wants to pei me... sobs...
hor, daniel minum alcohol, i go tell encik tang =)
wa... 想当年,我说陪你,你却嫌我 >.<
Wow...Germany Eye~ ^_^
Dann, control yourself, don become alcoholic. Btw beer sucks ler, next time you come France i let you test good alcohol. But you pay urself of course...haha
hey hey, im not a kaki botol ok? and soon lee, germany produces the best beer, u shud try some one day.
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